1 Thessalonians for Everyman: As One with Dusty Davis

1 Thessalonians for Everyman: As One with Dusty Davis

We live in an age where people cling tightly to their beliefs, and aren’t afraid to cancel those who disagree. Our culture is politically minded and dangerously divided. I wonder, is the church any different? Christ’s final prayer was that we would be unified. That we would be one. Truly, if Christ is what unites us? What thoughts, opinions or viewpoints could be strong enough to divide us? As God’s men we must reclaim the unity of the body of Christ if we are to move forward and display Jesus to a world that desperately needs to meet Him. 

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1 Thessalonians for Everyman: As One with Dusty Davis
  • As One Part 1 with Dusty Davis

    We live in an age where people cling tightly to their beliefs, and aren’t afraid to cancel those who disagree. Our culture is politically minded and dangerously divided. I wonder, is the church any different? Christ’s final prayer was that we would be unified. That we would be one. Truly, if Chri...

  • As One Part 2 with Dusty Davis

    The unity between us, comes from the Spirit of God living within us. Oftentimes, the challenges we faith in this live cause us to retreat. To retreat physically into isolation, and mentally and physically into a desperate aloneness making us vulnerable to the enemy. How can we turn towards one an...

  • As One Part 3 with Dusty Davis

    Culture has sold us a brand of Christianity that promised no pain, no struggle and no conflict. Health, wealth and prosperity all wrapped up in an easy life…..but Paul loved us enough to lay it out plainly. We were not only promised troubles…we were destined for them BUT God’s man can find peace,...

  • As One Part 4 with Dusty Davis

    If the enemy can lower our view of scripture, he wins. Such a challenging and ominous reality in a world that is continuing to lower its view of the Bible. BUT, God’s man recognizes that the words of Paul to the Thessalonians were, in fact, the very words of God brought by the Holy Spirit! Our v...

  • As One with Dusty Davis Part 5

    For so many, death and hope cannot coexist. Death is the ultimate expression of hope that failed….but not for God’s man! Through Christ, we realize that death can contain incredible hope…in fact, it is through the death of Christ that all hope is birthed! But how can we be prepared, aware and rea...

  • As One with Dusty Davis Part 6

    In our last session, we discussed the reality that WHEN Christ returns, as well as HOW Christ returns is not nearly as impactful in our lives as the reality THAT Christ is returning. Chapter 5 does begin to give us a picture of what that day will look like…. And it will be unexpected! The reality...