Fully Defined Part 2 with Kenny Luck
Fully Defined with Kenny Luck
Every man has his ways. In fact, our patterns of thinking and living, believing and behaving can be so consistently manifested that we can use it as an excuse for not changing. "I am the way I am," is the defense. The problem is that the people or circumstances connected to our lives might not be as forgiving as the fear and the pride inside of us make their case in our brains. Just think about how many problems have been created, how many partnerships have blown up, and how many relationships have been destroyed because of a fear that created an unwillingness to risk change. God says, that mindset and approach does not work for him. In fact, Jesus declares that in order for you to experience the most out of your relationship with him - someone has to die. Specifically, the man you feel you need to be needs to go - the one which prevents the man God is calling you to be from becoming a reality.
Up Next in Fully Defined with Kenny Luck
Fully Defined Part 3 with Kenny Luck
Relationships on earth define our life on earth. As a follower of Jesus, this relationship completely shapes every dimension of life by mirroring what he experienced. Jesus lived a life on earth, he died a death on earth , and came alive again to God's purposes here on earth. Are you ready to ...
Fully Defined Part 4 with Kenny Luck
Fully Defined Part 5 with Kenny Luck