Inner Man Part 1 with Kenny Luck
Inner Man
Discouragement is one of the most powerful forces which comes against us in this life. When a man becomes discouraged inside -for whatever reason-it affects the way he views himself, views God, and views life. Loneliness and feelings of insignificance or unworthy can take over. Then we start to live out of what we perceive we lack. In the process our relationships with God and people suffer. None of that is God‘s plan. He knows that discouragement will come but he wants you strong in your inner man. In part one of this powerful journey into the masculine soul, author and men’s expert Kenny Luck will help you personally discover the power that defeats the negative voices through an encounter with God’s love.
Up Next in Inner Man
Inner Man Part 2 with Kenny Luck
They are called blindspots and they can be deadly. You can't see something and yet you are making choices that do not account for what you don't see. Whether you are changing lanes on the freeway or changing your mind on an issue, blindspots rob of us reality, pollute our choices, and cause des...
Inner Man Part 3 with Kenny Luck
Boys grow into men right? Physically for sure. Same professionally. Socially we are allowed to do adult things we couldn't do before. We turn twenty one. We are privileged by age and our wisdom is assumed. But we all know men who have man-sized bodies, man-size jobs, rman-size responsibilit...
“INNER MAN” Part 4 with Kenny Luck
If your identity has never been stolen you probably know someone who has been exploited. Sensitive and personally identifiable information was compromised and a HACKER started stealing their livelihood ruining their life for a period of time. There was a security breach. Did you know that your...