Push & Pull Part 5 with Kenny Luck
Push & Pull with Dusty Davis
Has someone ever asked you to do something and you didn't feel like doing it? Your first thought is "Now? Why now?" You have things to do. You have plans right now. You have needs that will go unmet if you say yes. All valid but because of who is asking you do what is requested, you don't voice any of those reasons saying "no" and you fulfill the request of the "asker." How about when God asks? How do you respond? Is it okay to struggle with the request? What puts God's man over the top? What should be your guiding motivation to do what he wants to do versus what you want to do at any given moment? In this last session of PUSH and PULL men's expert and Pastor Kenny Luck teams with Dusty Davis to finish this powerful series by addressing the personal spiritual dynamics of motivation and personal responses to God when he speaks into our lives a direction or request. Will it be "I have to do this?" Or, will it be "I want to do this!"? Your response matters but your motivation matters more to God.