Resolve with Kenny Luck
In a digital culture "waiting" is a foreign concept . Our whole existence is built around shrinking not expanding wait times. Think about it. Click a button and your heart's desire is shipped to your porch in a day or two. Press "send" and a text goes halfway around the world in seconds. Order your coffee from bed on a mobile app, show up, walk in, walk out. Need a ride anywhere? Pull out your phone and done! Take a picture or record a video and millions of people can know exactly what happened in minutes. So it's no surprise that when things take longer these days we get impatient faster - especially with God. We discover that He is not in a hurry and there is no button that we can press to move life forward faster. We can't speed him up and we are consciously and subconsciously "put out" that his sense of timing is not our sense of timing on things. This fact of the spiritual life can make a man vulnerable to impulses, open to other voices, and willing to pursue other solutions. In direct contrast to culture, a relationship with God will test your resolve and your ability to wait. In fact, that is happening right now! Some part of your life is unresolved that you would like resolved and it is testing your RESOLVE! Will you pass the test? Join men's expert and author Kenny Luck for this spiritually challenging series on waiting faithfully on for God's answers to the big issues of your life.
“RESOLVE” Part 1 Live with Kenny Luck
In a digital culture "waiting" is a foreign concept . Our whole existence is built around shrinking not expanding wait times. Think about it. Click a button and your heart's desire is shipped to your porch in a day or two. Press "send" and a text goes halfway around the world in seconds. Ord...
Resolve Part 2 with Kenny Luck
Timing is everything. When you are in pain or in the cloud of unknowing, you want things to move faster so that you can experience peace and clarity sooner. When the "stars are aligning" in your favor you don't want the good times to end. Above all our wishing and hoping in the ups and downs of...
“RESOLVE” Part 3 Live with Kenny Luck
God makes you a promise. You get excited. Then... KABOOM! Life happens and his promise seems a distant memory because life has taken you down a slippery slope of misery and difficulty? Ever feel like that? What happened to your faith? How did you get out of it? Are you still stuck in it? T...
“RESOLVE” Part 4 with Kenny Luck
Ever made a bad decision that taught you a good lesson. Godly men become godly not because they make perfect decisions but because they repent well from their bad ones!
They RESOLVE to take their lumps well and not come out of a situation without the lesson. That's exactly what the Paul in the... -
“RESOLVE” Part 5 Live with Kenny Luck
Sometimes the best lessons of our lives are discovered through the "backdoors" God opens while we are waiting for life to unfold a certain way. Initially, we don't like being delayed but then, with hindsight, we see the wisdom of the back door plan God had in mind. We often don't think of Jesus...