Say No To Say Yes Part 3
Say No To Say Yes
Every man has advisors. Bosses, dads, friends, and experts all help us direct our energy and guide our efforts. "Outside counsel" is helpful, especially when you are trying to narrow your focus in order to be successful. In Part III men's expert and pastor Kenny Luck runs the "vital few" priorities outlined in Part II by a man currently advising and helping 2.1 billion people on planet earth right now. Watch this session and see what Christ himself has to say about the TOP FOUR priorities you need to say "Yes" to which lead to success in all other areas of leadership and life. Then decide which priority needs your attention RIGHT NOW.
Up Next in Say No To Say Yes
Say No To Say Yes Part 4
In order to please the ONE, God's man must dissappoint the many. It's one thing to see leadership principles and identify priorities. It's nother thing to put them into PRACTICE. In this rubber-meets-the-road you will discover the secret to getting TRACTION in living out the eternal, amputating t...