Shadow Self with Kenny Luck

Shadow Self with Kenny Luck

The hidden you. It is the man that - humanly speaking - only you know, sort of. Only you know him because he exists in the shadows, thinking things and doing things you can't really celebrate in the open because you battle him privately. David had a shadow self. The Apostle Paul has one too. Every man has one and this shadow self sabotages your best intentions in your relationship with God and in your relationships with others. Your shadow self is a mystery to you and pulls you in wrong directions consciously and subconsciously. You think or do things and you can't put your finger on why. Something triggers you and you behave out of character. Both you and those around ask: Where did that come from? You wish you knew. The good news in all this? God knows and wants to show you to you. Humility, courage, and faith is all you need.

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Shadow Self with Kenny Luck
  • Shadow Self Part 1 with Kenny Luck

    The hidden you. It is the man that - humanly speaking - only you know, sort of. Only you know him because he exists in the shadows, thinking things and doing things you can't really celebrate in the open because you battle him privately. David had a shadow self. The Apostle Paul has one too. ...

  • Shadow Self Part 2 with Kenny Luck

    We call it "acting out of character" or we say "I don't know what I was thinking!" But the fact of the matter is that all of our choices and behavior come from somewhere and personal thoughts always drive personal actions. We DO know what we were thinking but the thought is so dark or selfish w...

  • Shadow Self Part 3 with Kenny Luck

    Why is it that men get such a bad rap in culture? Part of it has to do with choices men make that are selfish and inconsistent with their age. We can't overcome the boy inside - we want what we want, can't say no to ourselves, and, in the process, smash our relationships against the wall of our ...

  • Shadow Self Part 4 with Kenny Luck

    Who is the real you? The Bible says the real you is not who others believe you to be, not who you perceive yourself to be, not what you do professionally, and not even your own self description (good or bad). The Bible says the real you is reflected best in the character of your truest thoughts...

  • Shadow Self Part 5 with Kenny Luck

    A GAP is an unfilled space. Between teeth. Between people. Between where you are and where you want to be. Between knowing about something and really knowing it experientially. When it comes to God's love and your personal connection to Christ, God doesn't want a GAP. He wants a heart - not jus...