Behind the Door Part 3 with Kenny Luck
Behind the Door with Kenny Luck
Starting a relationship does not pose the same challenge as staying rooted and connected in a relationship. In fact, getting into a relationship with anyone is the easy part but staying meaningfully engaged, interested, and growing in that relationship is where the biggest challenges reside. It all boils down to priorities - what we care most about will absorb our greatest focus and energies. The same thing is true about our relationship with God, his purposes, and his Kingdom - if it is a priority to stay connected to them then we will adopt a new lifestyle and attitude that insures we stay meaningfully and powerfully connected. Easier said than done? Yes. Impossible? No. The difference maker? Shifting our focus from ourselves to something greater than self. Are you ready for that journey?
Up Next in Behind the Door with Kenny Luck
Behind the Door Part 4 with Kenny Luck
Every heard the phrase "Get a whiff of that guy?" Curious way to describe picking up a "vibe" someone is throwing off. Why use our sense of smell as a metaphor to evaluate someone? It's because smells are not neutral - you judge them. Good or bad. You want more or less. You avoid or embrace th...
Behind the Door Part 5 with Kenny Luck
Intuition. Instinct. A sixth sense. A nose for what is happening that is unseen but real. A soldier says "something is not right" and they halt a platoon but in the moment they can't explain why and others don't sense what they sense. Today we might say our "spidey senses" are tingling. Mil...