Core Conflict Part 3 with Kenny Luck
#3 - Spiritual Conflicts
How many of you enjoy being told how to live, what to do, where you can go, and when you have to say no or yes? It’s not a trick question and the answer is not tricky either.
The Bible says that every man is at war inside over which voice will control his actions - his voice - his conscience or his conscience & God. Let’s face it - no man likes to surrender control of his choices to anyone. And yet that’s exactly what God asks us to do - surrender control of how we think and live to His way. Sound like battle of wills? Feel like a battle of wills? Welcome to our topic for part three of the CORE conflicts series - spiritual conflict. In today’s study pastor in men’s expert Kenny Luck is going to explore the whole issue of who is in charge, the battle for control, and disciplining yourself to surrender to God’s authority.