My Disciple Part 1 with Kenny Luck
Hey guys – it’s Jeremy – thanks for being a part of the Every Man Livestream Study. Have you ever said to yourself, “Is that guy a Christian?” Maybe we see them behaving a certain way or doing something that raises the question in our minds. When someone makes a claim, there is a natural expectation we place on people once they make it. But how do we know if a person is the REAL DEAL…a real friend…a real follower…a real disciple of Jesus? As we will see in today’s study, the question shouldn’t be “How do we know?” Rather, the question should be: “How does Jesus know?” In the Bible Jesus provides a clear picture of a true disciple or follower. In fact, that is what this new four-part series called “MY DISCIPLE” is all about. We are going to look at the statements Jesus makes about anyone claiming a true connection to him. Now let’s join men’s expert and Pastor Kenny Luck from Crossline Church in Laguna Hills California for Part 1 of this powerful series and learn how a true disciple is a man who HOLDS ON to Jesus’ words.