With God Part 5 with Kenny Luck
With God by Kenny Luck
We get pictures sent in from churches in every part of the country and world that show men in fellowship halls, around tables, using the outlines, and having discussions. Question: How is men’s ministry going in your church? Do you have a weekly study you can count on to touch and transform men? If you like what the Every Man livestream is doing for you personally, think about what it could mean to the other men in your church or community. We believe that God is raising up movement catalysts and if you have felt that TUG inside to reach the men of your church and community – go to everymanministries.com and get your subscription today that gives you access to dozens of curriculums and content. Start that WILDFIRE in your church and see what happens.
As we finish up this powerful series called WITH GOD… we don’t want anyone to think this is has been a journey of getting some great spiritual information. THAT would be a fail. But if the truth that has been shared in sessions 1-4 is being trusted we should see what we are going to discuss this morning – TRANSFORMATION. I like it when Pastor Kenny says “INFORMATION WITH OUT APPLICATION AND TRANSFORMATION IS HALLUCINATION.” In other words, if I have an authentic relationship with God where is He is pouring into me and I am listening …that means that my thinking will begin to change, my living will begin change, and I will be transforming as a man. When is truly with God – he will truly transform and those around him will take notice.
But before we dive into to today's study … share this powerful session with friends so that they can experience the transforming and healing power of Jesus. Thanks for doing that.