Driving Forces by Kenny Luck

Driving Forces by Kenny Luck

Have you ever heard a man say "That was a game-changer for me?" Maybe you have said that yourself.   Looking back, something powerful happened that shaped or reshaped his perspective on a person or issue in a profound way.  Ask a medal of honor "survivor"  - those are the people who lived because someone else chose to sacrifice their own life save them.  They are forever changed in a specific way -  deep sense of responsibility to honor the sacrifice by the way they choose to live going forward.  Why?  Because they have been given a second chance at life.  The experience has become a DRIVING FORCE in their lives.  The Bible says the same thing is true in our relationship to the Lord.  Specifically, God says that our experience with Him will create a powerful new energy inside of us, strong new motivations, and a bold new willingness to risk for Him.

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Driving Forces by Kenny Luck
  • Driving Forces Part 5 with Kenny Luck

    Today's digital culture has accelerated a very destructive human habit - it's our tendency to compare.  If you don't believe that just take a look at what people post on their INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK feeds.  Take a look at what you post - only your very best self, on your very best days, in your ...

  • Driving Forces Part 4 with Kenny Luck

    Sometimes it's hard to think about our relationship with God as being "royal" but that is exactly what the Bible teaches. Jesus is a King. He rules over a Kingdom. We were chosen by him to belong to his family. Now we serve at his pleasure in His Kingdom. That experience of coming into His K...

  • Driving Forces Part 3 with Kenny Luck

    Have you ever been in a situation where you were stuck and no solution was anywhere in site? Maybe you get a flat tire in the middle of nowhere ...and your cell phone is dead. Let's turn it up a notch...imagine that you have survived a shipwreck and you are marooned on some remote island with ...

  • Driving Forces Part 2 with Kenny Luck

    We are in part 2 of a powerful series called DRIVING FORCES - discovering the power and energy that puts your faith life into motion.  Specifically we are learning how an authentic encounter with God should unleash a flood of energy which allows a man to meet and rise above his challenges.  Kenny...

  • Driving Forces Part 1 with Kenny Luck

    Have you ever heard a man say "That was a game-changer for me?" Maybe you have said that yourself.   Looking back, something powerful happened that shaped or reshaped his perspective on a person or issue in a profound way.  Ask a medal of honor "survivor"  - those are the people who lived because...