Holy Shift
Change is ground zero in the spiritual life. The moment we decide to commit energy for the purpose of changing or exchanging our ways for God’s ways we are making what pastor and men’s expert Kenny Luck calls a HOLY SHIFT. While life in God demands change in God, the consequence of making these shifts in being, believing, or behaving have a massive payoff – God’s blessing. If you are ready to make a major advance, stop a major problem, go to a new level, or experience success in your life with God and people then buckle up! Walk with Pastor Kenny through the eight most critical areas of masculine transformation God desires. You won’t shift your pants but you will radically transform your life.
Spiritual Shift - HS Session 1
Physical Shift - HS Session 2
Spiritual change involves saying “no” to self and saying “yes” to God. But most men feel like saying yes to spiritual changes mutually excludes making physical or health changes as if they were separate and unconnected. Pastor and men’s expert Kenny Luck powerfully confronts that myth by expo...
Mental Shift - HS Session 3
Letting go of the old to win the new always begins with a thought. New behaviors in any area of our lives always reflect new beliefs about those areas. We exchange the stale and stagnant perspectives that leave us the same for newer ones that get us better results. Join pastor and men’s expert...
Emotional Shift - HS Session 4
Let’s face it: we are not good at facing or expressing our feelings. Just ask the women connected to us! We hide and mask anger, internalize pressure, deny being hurt, and withdraw in the face of hard truths about ourselves. Our inability at the emotional level creates problems and distance in...
Emotional Shift 2 - HS Session 5
This topic requires two sessions because men are pros at “strapping on the armor” emotionally and hiding their emotional wounds that desperately need healing. In this session men’s expert and pastor Kenny Luck addresses the “wounded warrior complex” in men. These masculine wounds are not physic...
Relational Shift - HS Session 6
A recent men’s health study revealed that nine out of ten men over thirty report they DO NOT have someone they would term a close friend or a person who knows them at a deep versus superficial level. But for these same men the margin of victory in many areas is having one other man in their live...
Financial Shift - HS Session 7
When you look at the amount of physical, emotional, and mental energy men devote to the earning, accumulating, and spending of money it is mind boggling how little the topic is discussed on a spiritual level. But God has lot to say and he knows a thing or two about the power of money to destroy ...
Professional Shift - HS Session 8
The marketplace is a man’s place for the majority of his day. The pants, shoes, and shirt go on, the door closes, and then 8-16 hours later we walk back through the door to eat, disrobe, relax, relate, and re-rack to do it again! How men are trained to look at work and evaluate success is very d...