Love Strong Part 1 with Kenny Luck
Love Strong with Kenny Luck
Every man knows that if he is not doing relationships right, he is not doing life right. Think about it. If marriage, family, or close relationships that MATTER to you are not good are not good! In fact, we get frustrated with ourselves, mad at ourselves, and then sad over repeated relationship mistakes. Been there? To boot, piling on and tempting us in these moments is the Devil who hates healthy relationships that glorify God and amplify his blessing. In fact, he wants you to be WEAK at loving relationships and STRONG at blaming others or making excuses for yourself. Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for his friends." In other words, LOVE STRONG! Join men's expert and pastor Kenny Luck for this powerful experience that will transform your relationships with the people God wants you to love.