Love Strong with Kenny Luck
Every man intuitively knows that if he is not doing relationships right, he is not doing life right. We are also very aware of the reality that the quality of our character determines the quality of our relationships. If you want to know why men say and do stupid things that harm their most important relationships, look no further than this. We get frustrated, mad, and sad over our own repeated relational mistakes, seemingly unable to correct them. Our character is failing to meet the demands of our reality! That feels bad and makes us vulnerable to any avenue of action that will make us feel temporarily better. Been there? The Devil loves when we feel bad about ourselves and knows we don't want those feelings. His solution? Don't feel that way when you can feel another way and then he offers a bunch of unhealthy alternatives to get you feeling good again. Take your pick ... get angry, get sexy, get money, spend money, get high, get hooked up, get fans, get likes, get noticed, get a desperately needed win - anything that will get you to make a decision for self. Can you relate? God's says, "Stop getting ripped off by Satan and start getting better at love! I will show you the way." What an offer. The question is - will you accept?
Love Strong Part 1 with Kenny Luck
Every man knows that if he is not doing relationships right, he is not doing life right. Think about it. If marriage, family, or close relationships that MATTER to you are not good are not good! In fact, we get frustrated with ourselves, mad at ourselves, and then sad over repeated rel...
“Love Strong” Part 2 Live with Kenny Luck
It's called a "game changer." It is an event, idea, or experience that rocks your world in a positive (or negative) way to the point where you permanently shift the way you go about doing or thinking about something. Think about it. You discover a new power tool that transforms a potential fiv...
“Love Strong” Part 3 Live with Kenny Luck
The famous mathematician/philosopher Pascal once said, "There are two kinds of men: the righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous." His point? The two different kinds of thinking lead to two different lives and sets of relationships with others. One man ...
“Love Strong” Part 4 Live with Kenny Luck
FACT: Sacrifice cements friendships. Risk nothing in your relationships, receive nothing from them. It’s easier to play it safe versus go deep. It’s easier to do activities together than to practice transparency. It’s easier to be a fan of someone else than a true friend. It’s easier to lau...
“Love Strong” Part 5 Live with Kenny Luck
Sometimes the best things can become the worst things. A good example is online shopping. Good thing right? It is fast, convenient, and does not involve a conversation with a sales person. Your heart's desire is delivered to your porch in a day or two. Then... you open up the box and what yo...