"Multiply" Part 1 with Kenny Luck
"Multiply" with Kenny Luck
Givers need receivers. Think Birthdays. Think Christmas. Think of thoughtful surprises. We give and others receive or vice-versa. But after the wrapping is undone, the gift is received, and thanks are offered, what we really would like to know is this: did what we give get used and enjoyed or go in a closet or garage or get re-gifted? Bottom line? We earnestly hope that our gift gets multiplied. The "gift that keeps on giving" is the goal! In your relationship with God, when he gives things to you, he not only tracks your initial response but, more importantly, what we do with what gives us. Think life. Think salvation. Think relationships. Think natural and spiritual gifts. Think material resources. Just like us, the Bible declares that His hope is the same: "I want what I have given him to multiply." JOIN men's expert and pastor Kenny Luck for this powerful five part series that will help you understand God's mind on what he gives you. In the process, you will become a multiplier that will receive a "Well done!" from your Maker and Master on your appointed day.
Up Next in "Multiply" with Kenny Luck
Multiply Part 2 with Kenny Luck
Think tools. We LOVE tools and the local hardware outlet proves it. Some of us can't get enough of them! But whether you have a workbench with lots of tools or a mini-tool box with just the basic essentials, if a tool finds it's way into your hand there is a specific job it is designed to do. ...
Multiply Part 3 with Kenny Luck
Sometimes opportunity knocks softly and we have to be paying really close attention. Other times opportunity slaps us across the face and there is immediate recognition and response. The Bible says the moment any person chooses to begin and eternally continue a relationship with Jesus Christ, i...
Multiply Part 4 with Kenny Luck
One of the hardest truths a man must face is this: if he is not doing relationships right, he's not doing life right. When people come to our memorial or celebration of life, they will not be talking about our bank balance, where we went on vacation, what kind of car we drove, or brands we clot...