"Hearing God" with Kenny Luck
5 items
When seeking to win a war, the first efforts of an attacking force wherever possible is to kill the communications capacity of your enemy. Separating a man or group of men from its strategic commanders and voices limits, isolates, and ultimately destroys their effectiveness. In your spiritual j...
The Ultimate with Kenny Luck
6 items
The thought that "you only live once" (YOLO) cuts in two directions. One man will ponder the brevity of life and give himself permission to live for the here and now, the moment, and abandon self-restraint to satisfy his appetites. The pressure of the "now" takes over. Another man's thoughts w...
HUMBLE with Kenny Luck
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The reality of God - capital "G" - creates instant humility in a man. Or, at least it should. The Bible says "God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble." This blessing of this declaration by God to us is that now we don't have to make assumptions in our relationship with him. ...
The Guide with Greg Munck
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In USMC bootcamp I was the platoon leader and carried the platoon flag called a guidon, in turn that made me The Guide. The fear of death in combat led me to the feet of the cross, and Jesus became The Guide of my life. At that moment, I became a solider for Christ. Over the coming weeks, we are ...
The Dangerous Good Conference 2022 Live From Austin, Tx
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Kinetic. Powerful. Transcendent.
This is what you sense when God‘s Spirit is taking over a space. A mystery is unfolding and your soul is being called forward into a Kingdom dimension that is both personal and powerful for the future.
Fully Defined with Kenny Luck
5 items
A defining moment is a point in your life when you're urged to make a pivotal decision, or when you experience something that fundamentally changes you. Not only do these moments define us, but they have a transformative effect on our perceptions and behaviors. This is God’s intention when you de...
Dangerous Good - The Small Group Curriculum
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Welcome to the Dangerous Good Movement. This movement is calling men out of broken masculine culture and into a fellowship of men who endeavor to be both strong and loving. These men will demonstrate masculinity as Jesus modeled and redefined what it means to truly be a man.
Before you begin t...
Dangerous Good Curriculum Trailer
Available Jan 18th, 2019 Order Your Workbooks Today.
It’s time to wake the sleeping giant in our world, in our communities, in our churches, and in our homes.
There’s a revolution brewing, a sleeping giant coming out of a long slumber. For years men have been sitting to the side, minding t...
The Get Healthy Series
32 items
Don't stop meeting! Offer classes to your small group or congregation to continue the walk with God. Supplementary Bible study tools are essential for men. The Get Healthy and Get Strong study plans will help men accept their calling in family, intimacy, temptation, and friendship. Learn to risk,...
OVERTAKEN with Kenny Luck
Movie + 5 extras
You are not in charge in anymore. Everything changes now. There is a new normal, new status, and a new reality. Life as you were experiencing it has morphed. A stronger force has overtaken you and now controls you. People around you are asking: "What has gotten into you?" because they are s...
"Tactical Retreat" Part 1 with Jason Park
A tactical retreat is moving to a safer location to prevent being overtaken by the enemy. This provides time to re-group and re-engage. The decision is not easy because retreating means giving up ground that is likely harder to get back. It is also difficult to admit you are losing or getting ...
Testimony Series Season 3 - Short Trailer
Have you ever wondered what the women in our lives would say about you in your journey as God's man? In Season 3 of the Testimony Series we take an in-depth look into the lives of 5 women who's lives have been transformed by their husbands leading with Christ at the center of their relationships.
Whatever the Weather with Kenny Luck
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Ever heard the expression "fair weather fan"? It describes someone who will passionately follow a sports team but only when they are winning. One minute they are all in, high-fiving, jersey wearing, evangelists for their team. Then the season's "weather changes." Winning ways are replaced by...
The Making Of The Dangerous Good Conference
The Damon Friedman Interview Trailer
Dr. Damon Friedman sits down with Every Man and discusses his journey through the Armed Forces and the final mission God has given him.
Every Man Ministries Special: Damon Friedman Interview
Movie + 1 extra
Originally a US Marine Corps officer, Dr. Damon Friedman transferred into the Air Force’s elite as a Special Tactics Officer (aka Combat Controller) and a leader in special operations. He has been decorated with three Bronze Stars (one with Valor) and the Air Force Combat, Action Medal. Kenny Luc...
The Corona Chronicles with Kenny Luck
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Right now the COVID-19 pandemic is pressing the PAUSE button on the life we thought we would be living and forcing us to embrace a new normal for unknown period of time. While this pandemic is unplanned and unwelcomed on all levels it is also UNSURPRISING to God. Jesus said, "In this world you w...
The Testimony Series Season 2 "In The Line Of Fire"
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Each and everyday these men and women risk it all to keep us safe. In season 2 of our Testimony Series you will hear their real life stories and how they leaned on their faith to get them through these traumatic experiences.
What Do I Do Now? with Jason Park
We live in a place and time when we are overrun with adversity. The news feeds of our lives are boiling over with bad news. Houses are burning down, gunmen are carrying out unimaginable evil acts, and even though we don’t have the energy to talk about it anymore…there is a pandemic claiming the...
"Hearing God" Part 1 with Kenny Luck
When seeking to win a war, the first efforts of an attacking force wherever possible is to kill the communications capacity of your enemy. Separating a man or group of men from its strategic commanders and voices limits, isolates, and ultimately destroys their effectiveness. In your spiritual j...
"Hearing God" Part 2 with Kenny Luck
We live in a culture addicted to speed. We can't wait - or if we have to - an inner irritation cycle starts boiling inside. As a practice, we drive over the speed limit and don't give it a second thought. We see people texting while they are driving. We hunt the shortest check-out line at the...
Hearing God Part 3 with Kenny Luck
The modern world is a noisy one. The most immediate consequence of a lot of noise is that you can't communicate with anyone in its presence. The immediate solution is equally simple if you want to connect with, hear what someone is saying, and advance the relationship. You remove the noise by ...
Hearing God Part 4 with Kenny Luck
We work hard - really hard. To rest we divert from our work lives. We do family, collect friends, go to church, vacation, go out to eat, stream shows, do podcasts, socialize around craft whiskey, stay up on sports, become fantasy general managers, do our hobbies, and accumulate gear to do those...
Hearing God Part 5 with Kenny Luck
We call it multi-tasking. It means that you are able to do more than one thing at a time. Culture encourages it and it can work in some instances. We talk and drive at the same time. We BBQ and sip a beer at the same time. We hold our kids and eat at the same time and so on. But at some poi...