“Turning the Tables” Part 4 Live with Kenny Luck
Turning the Tables with Kenny Luck
Human beings are a complex ball of unfulfilled needs, wants, desires, longings and hopes. Magnifying our dilemmas is the fact that life, others, bosses, spouses, friends, or unplanned circumstances get in the way (how dare they) of us seeing all those needs, wants, desires, longings and hopes being met or realized. What to do - what to do! Do the ends justify the means? Do we want things bad enough to deceive ourselves or others with twisted logic that gets us the result we want but at the expense of the truth? How far is too far? A little lying, a little cheating, a little stealing doesn't hurt anybody right? We tell ourselves: "We work hard. We deserve it. Go for it." Or maybe we go darker and say to ourselves: "Others have hurt us which makes what we are about to do ok." Ever lied to yourself so that you can do what you want to do? If you answered "yes" this session is for you and for every man who wants to be like Jesus or a man of truth because to become one you must be able to turn the tables on lying to self, to God, and to others. This the root of all spiritual warfare - believing truth or believing lies. Are you winning the fight?
Up Next in Turning the Tables with Kenny Luck
“Turning the Tables” Part 5 Live with...
In war the side with the better weapons prevails. Why? Better technology neutralizes old technology. The long-bow of the English devastated the average bow of the French in the Battle of Crecy. 10,000 French men lose their lives to 300 English - all because a bow was invented that shot an arr...