“You Are Here” Part 4 Live with Kenny Luck
You Are Here with Kenny Luck
Right place, right time. Ever had an experience that would describe that way? Maybe it didn't seem that way at first. You might be seated next to a complete stranger on an airplane and then come to discover they work in your same profession and you know the same people. The result? An ongoing and helpful relationship is born. The irony is that before you got on the plane you didn't feel like talking to anybody, pulled your ear buds out, and prayed that no one would be in the middle seat! Today's culture makes "zoning out" the norm versus the exception. Retreating into our own personal head-space and letting feelings dictate our interactions or non-interactions with others is accepted and no one questions us. But the man of God who walks with God knows different. More specifically, that your "space" is not yours at all! It's HIS space and he is at work in that space and you may be called on at any moment with any person he chooses to enter his work - whether you feel like it or not. Even Jesus modeled not feeling like doing God's is human - he did not want to go to the cross - but because of who was asking he did it anyways. Aren't you glad? WIll you do the same for another? Join men's expert and pastor Kenny Luck for this powerful session of working past feelings and obeying in faith in the spaces where you and people's future intersect.
Up Next in You Are Here with Kenny Luck
“You Are Here” Part 5 Live with Kenny...
Certain people in our lives change the environment the second they appear. Maybe it is a a brother or sister, an aunt or uncle, or a close who friend who you say that they “light up a room” or they are the “life of the party.” Things get better when they are in the mix. The Bible says that God’s ...