New Release

New Releases

  • Hearing God Part 5 with Kenny Luck

    We call it multi-tasking. It means that you are able to do more than one thing at a time. Culture encourages it and it can work in some instances. We talk and drive at the same time. We BBQ and sip a beer at the same time. We hold our kids and eat at the same time and so on. But at some poi...

  • Dominant Force Part 1 with Kenny Luck

    DRIVING FORCES in our lives fuel the thinking and living of every man. These forces become the axis for our decision-making. A good example? Men will work hard to provide for their families - being a husband and father has power or force necessary to make a man work hard. By contrast, a DOMINA...

  • Dominant Force Part 2 with Kenny Luck

    Expectations are the unseen killer of relationships. Differing expectations litters a relationship with misinterpretations and massive frustration. When someone says "This shouldn't be so hard" when referring to a relationship they have, what they are really saying is "I had different expectati...

  • Dominant Force Part 3 with Kenny Luck

    It is human nature to create a narrative or rationale to get what you want or live the way you want. My kids were legend at creating narratives, invoking the quetionable, and using like words like "everybody" or "all" to convince themselves and me that they needed the latest and greatest thing t...

  • Dominant Force Part 4 with Kenny Luck

    Is there such a thing as healthy fear? Think about it. Without a healthy fear of fire, you can get third burns. Without a healthy fear of lions, you can become lunch. Without a healthy fear of electrical wires, you can be lit up like a Christmas Tree. Is there such a thing as a healthy fear ...

  • Dominant Force Part 5 with Kenny Luck

    On a planet of 7 billion people it is easy to feel...well... forgotten. So often circumstances, things done to us, choices we have made, sickness, or the simple realities of pressing responsibilities isolate us emotionally. This experience is universal - feelings turn into facts and we become v...

  • The City Part 1 with Kenny Luck

    How do you answer the question: where are you from? Usually, we will give a city or town and a state. "Trabuco Canyon, California," is how I would answer that question and then I would feel compelled to mention the nearest larger city and say: "On the east side of Mission Viejo." You do that...

  • The City Part 2 with Kenny Luck

    Every man has his Egypts. These are the symbolic seasons of life and circumstances where you felt involuntarily controlled by some thing, some person, or some situation that made you feel trapped and powerless. We have all been there in one way or another. Some Egypts even appeared fun at firs...

  • The City Part 3 with Kenny Luck

    Ever felt alone in your circumstances? Life has a way of making us feel like we are the only ones in the world going through stuff at times. Things happen to us that don't happen to others. Others hurt us while others have great life-giving relationships. We seem to suffer losses disproportio...

  • The City Part 4 with Kenny Luck

    Many hands make light work. Sounds good right? But most people don't want to appear weak, are too proud to ask, or have been under the weight of life so long they have become numb to real help. The fact of the matter is that every person you know is burdened by something. At a minimum, they a...

  • The City Part 5 with Kenny Luck

    Behind the faces we see every day a battle rages within. All the questions life raises relentlessly nip and bite at our resolve, self confidence, and self perception. Do I have what it takes? Did I do the right thing? Does anybody care how hard I am working? Am I cut out for this? When will...

  • The City Part 6 with Kenny Luck

    A never before heard phrase that burst into our everyday lives as a result of the global pandemic was the term "social distancing." To defeat an invisible foe we had to create space between each other and we learned through structured enforcement by Federal, State, and local governments to keep ...

  • James for Everyman: Building a Faith That Works Part 1 with Dusty Davis

  • James for Everyman: Building a Faith That Works Part 2 with Dusty Davis

    Our culture makes snap decisions based on appearance. Are you like me? Can you do something for me? The Bible calls this sin “partiality” and James has a lot for us to unpack about it in chapter 2. We’ll also dive into our core passage for the series this week, as we seek to understand how our fa...

  • James for Everyman: Building a Faith That Works Part 3 with Dusty Davis

    “The speed at which words are shared in todays culture is dizzying. We tweet, text, snap and fire off emotional responses without giving them a second thought. Today our words go further, and last longer, than ever before. What encouragement does James have for how God’s Man should use his words?...

  • James for Everyman: Building a Faith That Works Part 4 with Dusty Davis

    As Gods men we often find ourselves living in “tension”. We have two competing sets of desires that vie for control of our hearts: the desires of our flesh….and the desire to please the Father. Which one will win? The one we feed! In James chapter 4 we’ll unpack what a life lived in the Spirit lo...

  • James for Everyman: Building a Faith That Works Part 5 with Dusty Davis

    “This week we finish the book of James with a final encouragement and challenge. Will we be men who hope in our wealth? Who place our trust and faith in the things we’ve amassed, storing them up until they begin to rot and even condemn us? Or will we be men who trust fully in Christ? Allowing Him...

  • That Guy with Egypt McKee Part 1

    Everything in life stands or falls on leadership, which begs the question—what is leadership and
    what exactly does it look like? As men, we are continually becoming something greater, lesser,
    or comfortable in our response to God’s directives in life. Let’s review the lives of five uniquely

  • That Guy with Egypt McKee Part 2

    Join me as we continue our journey by taking a deeper dive into the essence of true leadership.
    As men, we often seek the easiest path for growth and success, but what if we redirected our
    focus to the blessing of godly leadership, drawn even from our adversaries? Can we learn
    valuable life lesso...

  • That Guy with Egypt McKee Part 3

    Now that we’ve seen leadership through the lens of two different men with power and
    authority, let’s consider what godly leadership looks like when activated by trust and
    obedience. Interestingly, there are no average guys in the kingdom of God, and leadership is
    not an optional characteristic fo...

  • That Guy with Egypt McKee Part 4

    Everyone knows the names of hero’s and what they’ve done—it’s virtually impossible to
    conceal their name and fame. Rarely would anyone disagree that credit is due to the man who
    earned it, yet how do you reconcile the countless hero’s that exist in the shadows and go about
    doing good works withou...

  • That Guy with Egypt McKee Part 5

    Life is short and every moment is crucial. When faced with adversity, will you seize the
    opportunity to make the most of your life? It’s in the darkest hours that our desperate need for
    a Savior becomes crystal clear. While not everyone experiences a deathbed conversion or a
    miraculous awakening ...

  • The Next Adventure Part 1 with Kenny Luck

    In the bible Jesus said to the men at the shoreline, “Let’s go to the other side.”.
    He doesn’t tell them what is going to happen, but He challenges them to get in the boat. He invited every man on the shoreline to go on THE NEXT ADVENTURE. And for those men who risked a yes for the next adventure...

  • The Next Adventure Part 2 with Kenny Luck

    Relationships are risky and unpredictable because the possibility exists that something bad or unpleasant will happen as opposed to what is hoped for happening. That is true in any relationship - even your relationship with God. But when you take risks in your relationship with God he rewards the...