The City Part 4 with Kenny Luck
The City with Kenny Luck
1h 3m
Many hands make light work. Sounds good right? But most people don't want to appear weak, are too proud to ask, or have been under the weight of life so long they have become numb to real help. The fact of the matter is that every person you know is burdened by something. At a minimum, they are living on planet earth and there's the literal emotional and physical gravities of that. A broken planet, imperfect and selfish people, and limited resources add up BURDENS we all carry in some form or another. But don't make the mistake a lot of us make when we think that material abundance unburdens a person and you disqualify him or her from being "help-able." Rich. Poor. Black. White. Hispanic. Asian. Democrats. Republicans. Old. Young. White Collar. Blue collar. You name them - they have burdens God himself wants to use YOU to reduce. He models it, he believes it, he wants to take action in your city through the Holy Spirit in you for His glory. Do you?
Up Next in The City with Kenny Luck
The City Part 5 with Kenny Luck
Behind the faces we see every day a battle rages within. All the questions life raises relentlessly nip and bite at our resolve, self confidence, and self perception. Do I have what it takes? Did I do the right thing? Does anybody care how hard I am working? Am I cut out for this? When will...
The City Part 6 with Kenny Luck
A never before heard phrase that burst into our everyday lives as a result of the global pandemic was the term "social distancing." To defeat an invisible foe we had to create space between each other and we learned through structured enforcement by Federal, State, and local governments to keep ...